Klaster Creative Packaging Group to grupa przedsiębiorców z branży opakowaniowej. Jesteśmy pasjonatami, praktykami i miłośnikami opakowań na wszystkich etapach kontaktu z produktem! Dołącz do nas i bądź częścią zmiany w branży opakowaniowej!
Creative Packaging Group Cluster is a group of enterprises from the packaging industry.
We have passion for, are practitioners and lovers of packaging at all stages of contact with the product!
CPG Cluster has been created in an interesting period for the Polish and European packaging. Environment protection is becoming the most important guideline in our everyday work, as national and EU regulations motivate us to positive changes. Efforts should be made to ensure that these changes involve development, which can only be achieved through cooperation which goes beyond competition. CPG Cluster is a combination of strength, experience and creativity, in order to achieve more together!
Taking advantage of being part of the group is one of the cluster’s assumptions. Its members, under the CPG Cluster’s aegis, promote its activity through participation in conferences, trade fairs and business events. The cooperation established thanks to membership one industry group results in implementation of interesting projects, applications for subsidies or taking advantage of external companies’ services together.
The business nature of CPG Cluster is a wise and experience-based undertaking whose aim is to develop the individual companies and make the industry’s voice loud!